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Aunt Shannon & Uncle Joe
Missing you contines on..never a day that the pain is gone :( Justin, u are missed and loved more & more each day :( xoxoxoxo
Grandma Loves & Misses U XOXO
Can't sleep! i love & miss you honey that will never change i can't believe its 6 yrs sending xoxo's 2u ! ur fimh
dragan's dad
Angel Dates are so hard on loved ones,especially one's own childern.Candles for you and all the Angels by your side.
Thinking of you and your family.
Aunt Jane, Schyler & Jordyn
We miss you & love you - You are forever in our hearts. Peace, Love, & Joy be with you tonight and always.
Aunt Jane
I love y & miss u! U've been gone 6 yrs & not a day goes by without u on my mind & in my heart. Until I c u again
Justin& Dufaure de Citres
Justin, 6 long yrs of missing everything about you. You're always on my mind & 4ever in my heart. †.♥.† I love you.
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Holding U & UR family close in my heart & prayers Justin as UR Angelversary draws near. ~♥~
Uncle Joe & Aunt Shannon
We miss you Justin :( Sending our Love to you ~ALWAYS ^j^ xoxoxoxo
Aunt Tammy
Justin u have been gone for to long, But u r still so close in my heart. I miss you and I love you. Be close to all. URFIMH Hugs
dragan's dad
Peace & Comfort ..May they be your Gift to your Familys hearts Today & everyday without you Justin
dragan's dad
Everything can be a prayer if comes out from the soul whose pray,from the heart whose loves.A candle lit in honor of you Justin.
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