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Life story
July 12, 1986

Born in Canton,Ohio United States on July 12, 1986.


July 12, 1988

2nd Birthday

December 12, 1988


2 yrs. old

December 18, 1989


3 yrs. old

October 2, 1990
4 yrs. old
August 26, 1991
First day of Kindergarten
September 4, 1991


5 yrs. old

September 9, 1992

1st Grade

6 yrs. old

September 7, 1993

2nd Grade

7 yrs. old

October 5, 1994

3rd Grade

8 yrs. old

September 3, 1996

5th Grade

10 yrs. old

August 27, 1997

6th Grade

11 yrs. old

August 24, 1998

7th Grade

12 yrs. old

August 26, 1999

8th Grade

13 yrs. old

August 25, 2000

9th Grade

14 yrs. old

July 12, 2002
16th Birthday
September 3, 2002

11th Grade

16 yrs. old

September 1, 2003

Senior Yearbook Picture

12th Grade

17 yrs. old

May 30, 2004

Graduation Day

July 12, 2004
18th Birthday
April 17, 2005

 Tragically killed in a car crash on April 17, 2005.


Forever loved and missed.


On the evening of April 16th, 2005, Justin went to a party at a friend's house about a 5 minute drive from home. Justin spent the evening and into the night partying with his friends, drinking, and having a good time. Apparently, some time later in the night, a scuffle of some sort broke out with some other kids. It was nothing major, just some shoving and words being exchanged, but Justin was asked to leave the party and was told to not leave his car or else it would be towed. He was helped to his car by some friends, and it was assumed by them that he was going to be driving to someone else's house a few minutes away. This was sometime after midnight. For some unknown reason though, Justin decided to drive to his cousin's house about 40 minutes away in another city. He took the freeway. Due to his drinking and driving excessively fast, Justin crashed while trying to exit the expressway. He was just 5 minutes from his cousin's house. He died on the morning of April 17th, at the hospital from various internal injuries suffered in the accident.

Justin was like many other kids his age. He thought nothing would happen to him. He thought he could handle driving after leaving a party where he'd been drinking. He made a terrible mistake that night, a mistake that cost him his life and his future. He loved life, he wanted to live. But, like many 18 year olds, he thought he was invincible, that nothing could happen to him, that these things happened to "other" people. He was wrong, and unfortunately he didn't get a second chance to learn from this last mistake.

While Justin left behind a lifetime of wonderful memories shared by all who knew and loved him, because of that last, tragic decision he made to drink and drive, he also left behind a forever grieving mother and father, step-parents, a young sister, step-siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, many cousins, and countless friends.

We urge everyone to never drink and drive under any circumstances. Call a cab, take a bus, call a friend, a parent, someone...anyone, who can safely pick you up and get you safely home. Don't worry, your car will still be there the next day..but, more importantly, you'll be around the next day.


Please watch the UNDERAGE DRINKING AWARENESS video, created by Justin's cousin, Megan Patterson.