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1447587 Criar Memorial
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Aunt Shannon Uncle Joe
Missin U so much last night as always. It won’t ever feel right without u.But I always feel u near us all. We love U Justin <3
Gma Loves & Misses You <3
Justin,Another Christmas Eve w/o you here! You were on my mind all eve.You are never forgotten by anyone! Big XOXOs Honey <3<3
Gma Loves & Misses You <3
Christmas is almost here & U are so much on my mind! Its so hard that U aren't here with us. U are Loved & Missed XOXO
Aunt Shannon & Uncle Joe
Another holiday missin U & wishin U were here with us Justin :-( We love U so much..nothing feels the same without you :-(
dragan's dad
For a while in our lives, a eternally in our hearts…
Gma Loves & Misses You
Justin,too much time without you! i love & miss you so much honey.that will never stop. i'm sending big hugs <3 <3 xoxo
Justin, 14 1/2 yrs without you. You are missed and loved more than I can say. I love you. ❤️❤️ Love, Mom
Gma Loves & Misses You!
Thinking so much about U Honey & Missing U like always <3 I hope U gave GG-pa a hug for me for his Bday 8/17 Sending XOXOs
Gma Loves & Misses You!
Looking at your picture remembering all the joy you brought to all of us <3 I Love You & you're thought of every day XOXO
Aunt Jane
Happy (belated) Birthday Justin. Always missing you! Love, Peace & Joy!
uncle russ aunt lisa
Thinking of and missing you, even more today on your birthday. We love you Justin!
Nell, Tom, Ella, Cam
Happy 33rd Birthday Justin! We miss you so very much. We love you!
Total Velas: 2437
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