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Xavier, Step-Dad
Stairway to Love
So little did I know, coming in this new land                       
That for me two arrows, from love were planned
If one was expected, the reason for coming     
The other was hoped, have a family growing
Sharing the same house and also his mom’s love       
We started to construct our own stairway to love      
The first step was easy; it’s the one in step-son         
Nothing yet we had done, just knowing the person   
He let me be a part of his own existence
Steps quickly added up, first his acceptance     
Of a different man, coming in his mother’s life
More came as we lived, without starting a strife       
When he walked his mom, holding her white glove
Giving his agreement, letting me share her love
A tall step was added to our growing stairway
Be sure he was sharing, not giving her away
As the years went on, our stairway grew higher                  
Sometimes going down, but always back taller
On a dark April night, he was taken away         
I’m laying on the steps of the stairs in dismay  
He has many stairways, with so many persons 
It should be comforting, but we still miss our son      
Walking on all these steps, I can watch him rise
Carried by all the love, so high in paradise
Even though it was far too short of a time
Before he had to leave, while still in his prime
I am glad I got to build that stairway with him
One says love never dies, so neither will Justin

© 2006 Xavier Dufaure de Citres

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